It has been a rather strange day at school today, but we have tried to keep everything as normal as possible for the children. They have had lessons and playtimes as usual and Fr Ross gave us all a blessing at the end of the day. It was unfortunate, but understandable, that the Parentmail system has been down all day due to the number of schools using it.
As of Monday, we have been able to offer places to children who qualify under the government guidance and we hope to be able to do this for the next two weeks until the Easter holidays: the Local Authority will then be making arrangements for childcare during the holidays.
For those children who are at home, please try to follow the timetables that teachers have sent home and encourage the children to complete the work packs and online learning: there will be enough for the next few weeks and we will be making more resources should the situation continue.
At the end of this message is the latest government guidance for parents.
We will continue to send daily updates through Parentmail, Twitter and the school website and you can call/ email us as normal next week should you require any guidance, support or advice with anything.
Best wishes,
Michael Lobo - Headteacher
Suzanne Friel - Deputy Headteacher
Here is the latest government guidance:
Information to cascade to parents and carers
From Friday 20 March schools, childcare and other educational settings are closed for everyone except:
children of critical workers
vulnerable children
We have published guidance for parents and carers:
Critical workers
If parents’ work is critical to the coronavirus response, their children will be prioritised for early years and education provision.
The Government has published a list of critical workers: