Mrs Whitten's reading of Oi Dog was a fun way to finish the week and on Monday Mrs Dineen returns with a scary tale about a crocodile ... We are very lucky that Mrs Dineen is also recording for us The Extincts by Veronica Cossanteli, a local author who has visited our school in the past. Due to publishing restrictions, this has to be an unlisted video so is only available here a chapter a day through this link:
This Sunday we celebrate the feast of the Holy Trinity - the hugely complex concept that God is Three (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and yet God is One. We acknowledge it every time we pray by making the sign of the cross. Attached are some liturgy resources from Immaculate Conception Parish that you can use with your children. We're sending you all the way to Texas this week for our suggested live-stream Mass from where else but the Parish of the Holy Trinity in San Antonio:
Get Creative with Classical Music
The BBC have chosen 10 pieces especially for 7-14 year olds and put together films, activities and lessons to get your children into classical music. Have a look here:
The Great Fire of London
This website is dedicated to everything you can think of about the Great Fire of 1666. It even has a minecraft experience!
How to Enjoy the Weekend
Here are some nice ideas about how to keep a work/ relax time perspective so that you can enjoy the weekend:
School Health Support
A reminder that NHS Solent have a dedicated helpline should you need any advice with medical or emotional health matters. Details on their website:
Socialising Online Safely
There has been a sharp rise in children and young people using video conferencing apps in order to communicate with family and friends. This is new for both parents and children, who may have never used these types of apps in the past. Follow the link below to find some fantastic tips and tools to help your child stay connected safely and share responsibly online:
Have a lovely weekend.
"The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it" (Chinese proverb)
Best wishes,
Michael Lobo - Headteacher Suzanne Friel - Deputy Headteacher