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Katolicka Szkoła Podstawowa Św. Patryka
Naśladowanie pełnego miłości przykładu Jezusa Chrystusa
023 8044 8502
Obiady szkolne
KS1 and KS2
8:30am - Playground gates opened
8:45am - Classrooms opened
8:55am - morning registration - all children to be in the class
11:45am - 1.15pm - lunchtime (various times per year group)
1.15pm - Afternoon registration
3.10pm - playground gates opened
3.20pm Classes dismissed from playground
Official School Day for KS1 and KS2: 8.45am to 3.20pm.
This would be 32 hours and 55 minutes in a typical week.
Foundation Stage
8:50am - gate opened
9:00am - morning registration - all children to be in the class
11:30am - 12.45pm - lunchtime
12.45pm - Afternoon registration
3.10pm - gate opened
Official School Day for Year F: 8.50am to 3.15pm.
This would be 32 hours and 5 minutes in a typical week.
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