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Diocesan Schools' Building Fund

St Patrick’s is a Voluntary Aided School which means that, when major building work or refurbishment needs to take place, the Department for Education (DfE) only provides funding for 90% of the cost of that work.  Our contributions to the Diocesan Schools’ Building Fund pay for 10% of the work.  This means that, whenever work is needed, schools across the Diocese can apply for funds to do it.  We have benefitted greatly over the past few years and this is why it is vital that our Building Fund contributions are made.  I would like to thank all the parents who are up to date with their contributions.  If you have not yet paid your own contribution we would be very grateful to receive it. 


Click here for more information and to download a standing order form please click here. Hard copies of standing order forms are also available from the Office.

Would you like the chance to win some money whilst supporting the school?


If the answer is ‘yes’ then we, the Governors, invite you to join:




For as little as £2.00 a month, or £24 a year, you can be included in our monthly draws:


  • There are 3 monthly prizes of £10, £20 and £30 ( except for March and July Grand Draws).

The have a single prize each month of £100

These celebrate St Patrick’s Day ( 17th March) and the end of each Academic Year in July.


At present we have only 61 members so please support the School and have a chance to win. You can pay to have more than one number.


After paying the prizes, the monies each month go into the School Building Fund and currently we are expecting to buy some new playground equipment to benefit the children.


Please join and complete the application form and standing order and return them to the school office.


If you would prefer to pay by cash or by cheque (made payable to St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School 100 Club) please send in your payment of £24. 


If you have any queries, please email

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