St Patrick's Catholic Primary School
Following the loving example shown by Jesus Christ
023 8044 8502
Sports Funding
The Government has made available to all schools a sum of money to allow them to continue to develop sports provision within school and to help schools increase pupil participation in sporting activity. This money equates to £16,000 per school per year plus an additional £10 per child. For our school this means that for the academic year 2024/25 we expect to receive £19,610.
At St Patrick's we have used this funding in a variety of ways to improve the opportunities we offer to our pupils to take part in physical and sports activities.
As a result, pupils take part in PE lessons regularly, with enthusiasm and growing confidence and ability. As such attainment in PE is good and the children take part in a wide range of sporting competitions and tournaments with other local schools.
Our Sports Leader is Ms Mel Alexander.
Our Sports Teacher is Mr Alexander Port.
To learn how St Patrick's is currently using the Sports Premium, please download the documents below:

In additon to curriculum PE, we also run a wide range of extra-curricular clubs.

We achieved the School Games Gold Award again for 2023-2024 - the third year in a row! This is a great achievement and we are very proud of all the children and staff who made it happen. It means we are now eligible to apply for the Platinum Award for 2024-2025. Well done!