St Patrick's Catholic Primary School
Following the loving example shown by Jesus Christ
023 8044 8502
School Uniform
We expect all children to wear school uniform including the school PE kit. School-branded items are optional and are available for jumpers, cardigans, fleeces and PE tops.
Uniform for Year 1 - Year 6
Grey skirt, pinafore dress, shorts or trousers
White blouse/shirt or polo shirt
Bottle green cardigan/sweatshirt or pullover
Summer dress in green/white check or stripe (Summer Term only)
Sensible black shoes - no fashion shoes, trainers or boots please!
White, green or grey socks/tights
Uniform for Year R (Foundation Stage)
In line with the rest of the school, the children entering Reception will wear a white polo shirt or blouse and the St Patrick’s green school jumper. The children will, however, be wearing more comfortable grey tracksuit bottoms or grey leggings with either black plimsolls or smart black Velcro trainers
White polo shirt
Bottle green cardigan/sweatshirt or pullover
Grey tracksuit bottoms/leggings
Black plimsolls or smart black trainers (Velcro straps only).
PE Kit
Black shorts/tracksuit bottoms
School (bottle green) t-shirt
Trainers or plimsolls,
School (bottle green) jumper
You can purchase a plain school green t-shirt or official St Patrick's PE t-shirt and shorts, as well as some optional extras and PE jumper alternatives on the link below:
No jewellery should be worn in school. If children have pierced ears, stud earrings only are permitted and these must be removed for PE or covered with surgical tape. Tape must be provided by parents.
Hair and Make-Up
Hair below the shoulders MUST be securely tied back at all times in school. Hair bands and hair ties should be in school colours. Hair ornaments, head scarves or bandanas are NOT permitted. Hair gel, make-up and nail varnish are not permitted.
Where to Buy
All uniform items can be bought at any retailer.
Uniform with St Patrick's School Logo can be purchased from:
Wearabouts, 28 Victoria Road, Woolston, Southampton (
Online at
Online at
PE kit items are also available from:
The school has a stock of second-hand uniform which parents are welcome to access and the SPSA also organises uniform sales through the year.