Welcome back for the Summer Term! Thank you for all the photos and wishes you sent over the holiday - it was lovely to see so many smiling faces and the creative activities you've all been coming up with to pass the time.
Hopefully you have all received your login details for SeeSaw by now and have had a chance to login. The teachers will put a variety of activities on there for the children and will be able to communicate with them on there - bear in mind that you may not get instant responses, as many of the teachers have their own children at home as well, so please be patient! Any problems, email us on support@st-patricks.southampton.sch.uk
We will continue to post your photos and videos on the website, so keep them coming in - all the staff do love to see what you're up to and the Mr Morse Challenge is definitely keeping us all fit! We'll be able to put some stories read by the staff on our website, depending on publisher's permissions and everything will also be on our YouTube channel, but the storytime playlist has to be "unlisted", so you can only access it from this link:
Tomorrow, Mrs Thomas reads us an uplifting poem!
Food Technology Activies (you might know this as "Home Economics"!)
Mrs Bignell has put together some lovely activities for you to have a go at to do with food. There is one set for KS1 (YR - Y2) and another for KS2 (Y3 - 6), but do them both if you like!
You can still visit museums all around the world!
Here's a list of 12 that have been recommended as world-class online - see what you think:
Virtual Tour
If you want to go even further afield, here's a chance to visit the Great Wall of China, the only man-made structure visible from outer space:
Support with Mental Wellbeing
The Southampton Mental Health Support Team have put together a very useful newsletter with advice and links on how we can all keep ourselves and our children well at this difficult time - it is attached for you.
Help with Covid-19 Research
Scientists at King's College, London are asking for our help in tracking the disease and have launched an app for us to report daily how we are - if you're interested, there's information here: https://covid.joinzoe.com/
Prayers for those in need
We keep in our prayers anyone in our community that has been affected in any way by Coronavirus and we ask the Lord to bring relief to our sick, console our bereaved and protect those who care for us.
"Start by doing what's necessary, then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible"
St Francis of Assisi
Best wishes,
Michael Lobo - Headteacher
Suzanne Friel - Deputy Headteacher