We hope you are all well and enjoying the beautiful weather. Just a few short bits for you today.
Half-Term Surprise
Mrs Paul has done her magic again! She has put together another video from the staff for you to enjoy over the holiday - we hope you like it! It will be live on our YouTube channel and the school website at 9am tomorrow - let us know what you think.
Sunday Resources
The local parishes have put together some some resources for children to help them understand the Gospel - we've attached them for you.
Getting to Sleep
If your child is having trouble getting to sleep at the moment (particularly with the long days and hot weather, here is some really useful advice from the Hampshire NHS:
Mrs Mullin has attached this week's Thrive activities for you.
"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing"
Walt Disney (American producer and businessman)
Best wishes,
Michael Lobo - Headteacher
Suzanne Friel - Deputy Headteacher