Just a short update for you today as there is a lot to read in the message about opening the school.
Ascension Day
Tomorrow we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension, 40 days after Easter Sunday, the day Jesus was taken up into heaven to be with his Father. He promised his disciples to send a comforter – the Holy Spirit, the same Holy Spirit that is with us today to guide our faith and our Church. It is a holyday of obligation for Catholics and if you want to attend Mass slightly differently this year, why not join the Church of the Ascension of Our Lord in New York for their feast day:
Thank a Teacher Day
A message from the Department of Education:
Today we are saying thank you to teachers, senior leaders, support staff and all those working in education settings who are making a difference to their schools and communities during the coronavirus outbreak. To mark the day, you can send a free thank you card to a member of school staff.
The Secretary of State for Education, Gavin Williamson, said: “Thank a Teacher Day gives us all a great opportunity to thank everyone working in education, but I especially wanted to express my respect and admiration for all staff in nurseries, schools and colleges for going above and beyond to help this country tackle coronavirus and continue to support young people.”
Free thank you cards can be found here:
Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?”
L. M. Montgomery (Canadian Author)
Best wishes,
Michael Lobo - Headteacher
Suzanne Friel - Deputy Headteacher
Parentmail is down this evening, so I'm not sure when you will receive today's update - those of you who are signed up to the website will see it first!
We have been working through all the details of how our planned phased return to schooling will work and tomorrow we will let you have full details.
We hope you were inspired by Mrs Dineen's Alphabet Poem - did you have a go at writing one? Send it in if you did. Tomorrow Mrs Cherry returns with one of the favourite stories from the YR children - don't miss it!
Music During Lockdown
It's important to keep some sort of music-making going while at home. Attached are some ideas for you and this website gives you some great ideas for playlists for all ages:
Another opportunity to write
Here is a nice idea for children to write something for a real purpose. Write to Unite encourages children and adults to share stories and poems across the world:
Puzzles for Lockdown
Here are some quarantine-themed puzzles to keep you entertained:
Mrs Mullin has attached the activities for this week.
"I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past"
Thomas Jefferson (US President and man who introduced macaroni to America)
Best wishes,
Michael Lobo - Headteacher
Suzanne Friel - Deputy Headteacher