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Daily Update - 24th April

Writer's picture: St PatricksSt Patricks

So we reach the end of another strange week! No doubt you are all getting used to the lockdown situation and finding ways to keep everyone occupied and happy as best you can.

This Sunday is the 3rd Sunday of Easter and St Luke tells about the famous walk to Emmaus and how two of Jesus' followers only recognised him in the breaking of the bread. Cafod are offering a virtual children's liturgy which you might like to follow here:

Today we had a beautiful story from Mrs Conway and on Monday, Mrs Paul reads us her own children's favourite story (it is a bit rude!). Watch it all on the school website or our YouTube channel.


To Mrs Taylor who has now had her baby - a beautiful little boy called Rory!

Extra Activity Classes on SeeSaw

You will have received a form today about art, DT, music, computing and Spanish classes on SeeSaw - please respond by Monday if your child would like to take part in these.

Thrive Activities

Mrs Mullin has attached some activities for Week 6 for you to have a go at.

Are you one of the many people unable to find any flour?

This is due to the shortage of small-scale packaging believe it or not! But help is at hand - here is a website with some flourless recipes to try with the children:

For all the budding designers out there

If your child loves designing and making things, Tinkercad is a free, easy-to-use app for 3D design, electronics, and coding. Get started here:

News from the Critical Worker Support Team at School

There have been a small number of children at school this week and over the Easter holidays being looked after by a few of our very dedicated staff so that their parents can carry on the vital work they are doing. This week, they thought the front of the school looked a but dull, so have been brightening it up - you can see the result on the slideshow on the school website!

Free School Meals

If your circumstances have changed because of the current situation, you may be eligible for free school meals which entitles you at the moment to a £15 food voucher per child per week. You can check the criteria and apply here:

Advice for Parents During Coronavirus

Wessex Healthier Together have produced a very helpful poster with guidance - we've attached it for you. There is also some very good information on their webpage:

Help us to help you:

A huge thank you to Mrs Mullin who has been an excellent support to our vulnerable families during this incredibly challenging time. Should you be aware of any family within our school community, who are currently in need of food or emotional support, then please let us know. We can do our best to make things easier and without the need for others to know.

Please be assured that we want to support every one of our families, as much as we can, during this very strange and difficult period. If you are a family in need, or if you know of one, then please contact:

  • Mrs Mullin on the school mobile 07712097633

  • Telephone the school office 02380448502

  • Email

You can also access a range of support through the Council - attached are details of the various organisations and their contacts.

"When you focus on problems, you'll have more problems. When you focus on possibilities, you'll have more opportunities."

Have a lovely weekend.

Best wishes,

Michael Lobo - Headteacher

Suzanne Friel - Deputy Headteacher

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