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Daily Update - 25th March

It's Day 3 and already feels like an age to the children! We hope they are managing to keep busy and happy as best they can and that in some way you parents are getting a chance for some time on your own where possible. Some news and updates for you.

Online Reading Access - Accerated Reader

Mrs Conway has worked hard all day to obtain free access to thousands of AR reading books online! You will find the instructions attached - all children can access the reading books, but the book quizzes are only for Year 3 and above.

School Website

The temporary homepage is now live and we will update this with new links and activities regularly. If there's anything else you would like on there, please let us know. We have a new email address for anything to do with IT support or website issues, so feel free to contact us anytime:

From the Bishop

Bishop Philip has sent a further decree with information on how the Church is managing the situation - you can find it attached to this message.

Feast of the Annunciation

Today is the day when we celebrate the Angel Gabriel appearing to Mary with the good news that she would bear God's only son. It is exactly 9 months before Christmas Day! You can take part in a daily worship session from the Diocese here:

Advice on Social Distancing

The government official advice is here. Attached to this message is a very useful helpsheet from the Royal College of Occupational Therapists to help you with wellbeing and mental health. It is a very unusual situation we find ourselves in and any advice like this is worth considering.

Talking to your Children

It is not easy to explain to the children (especially younger ones) what is going on and Clare Shaw, a children's author and therapist, has written an online book which you might want to share with your children (read it yourself first though and make sure you are happy with it). You can find it here:

Do contact us if you want any guidance or support: Mrs Mullin is available on 07712097633 or and the school office is open to calls during the school day.

"When it rains, look for rainbows; when it's dark, look for stars."

Best wishes,

Michael Lobo - Headteacher

Suzanne Friel - Deputy Headteacher

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