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Daily Update - 30th April

Tomorrow is May 1st, MayDay, traditionally the first day of summer in ancient times. Normally there would be all sorts of celebrations including Maypole dancing, May Fairs and Morris Dancing, which actually prompted Pope Pius XII in 1955 to declare May 1st as the Feast of St Joseph the Worker to counteract this "paganism"!

Mrs Dineen's poem about the war was very fitting on the day war veteran Tom Moore celebrated his 100th birthday - he has now raised over £30 million for the NHS! The RAF organised a flypast as a tribute and you can watch it here:

Tomorrow, Mrs Lindfield, our Business Manager reads us one of the stories her own children loved when they were little - she has someone to help her!

Mirela's Easter Quiz

Mirela in Year 3 has created the Easter Story out of Lego! It is in 11 scenes and your task is to guess what's happening in each one - have a go here:

Music Lessons and Activities

Mr Simpson has set up online access to Charanga, a music hub which has a huge amount of online music learning for children. If your child would like a login for this site, please let us know on the form that is going out and we will send it to you. The children can send any of the work/ compositions/ performances they do on here to Mr Simpson through their SeeSaw Extra Activity accounts.

Saints Support

The Primary Stars team at Southampton F.C. have been putting together some resources for children, which now include exercise videos. Please follow this link:, to download the resources and feel free to share these with other parents as well.

Scribe Tribe Snacks

Ali Sparkes, a children's author, is running a daily challenge alongside Hampshire Library Service every day next week. You'll need to be ready to watch the challenge live at 10.30! Details here:

"You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have."

Bob Marley (Jamaican singer-songwriter)

Best wishes,

Michael Lobo - Headteacher

Suzanne Friel - Deputy Headteacher

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