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End of Term Update

Writer's picture: St PatricksSt Patricks

It has been a very unusual but rewarding term in many ways and I think we're all delighted to have made it without being hit too badly by the virus. I want to say a big thank you to all the staff who continue to work tirelessly for the children and who are definitely in need of a break now!

The children were so excited today to have a visit from Santa riding on Trigger the Train - he even brought all the children a present! Thank you so much to the SPSA for organizing a wonderful treat for the end of the term.

Christmas Shows

The staff and children have been extremely adventurous in putting together some fabulous Christmas shows for you – I am sure you will love watching them! The shows will be available to watch on our school website from today:

A big thank you to Mr Simpson, our music teacher, who used his expertise to edit and prepare the videos for us all to watch.

Christmas Services

Although things are a bit different this year, the parish is still holding Christmas services at both St Patrick’s and the Annunciation Church, Netley. You can find full details and booking arrangements on the website as well as videos of recorded Christmas and Advent services:

Christmas Trees

We have had two Christmas trees up in school over the last week or so which were donated to us by Pete Davies, Angela’s husband. The staff and children have enjoyed decorating them and it was a lovely memorial to Angela. Photos on Twitter @StPatricksSoton

Covid Tracing

We have been very fortunate to have had hardly any cases within the school community all term and thank you to everyone for their vigilance and for following the guidance – please do continue to wear face coverings and keep a distance when we return. I am sure this will not be the case, but should any child or staff member have a positive test result in the next few days for symptoms that started any time before this Monday 21st December, you must inform us. This is because we are the test and trace agency for our school community and we will need to contact anyone that might have come into contact with a positive case.

Should this happen, please email us on and we will act accordingly.

Travelling Abroad

If you are travelling abroad over the holiday to a county that is not in the travel corridor, you will need to isolate for 10 days after your return. Please let us know if this is the case and we will make sure you are all set up for remote learning.

Library Books

It is a long time ago now, but we have around 300 library still not returned from the time of the lockdown in March. Please could you have a look over the holidays and return any overdue books to us in January.

All the staff at St Patrick's wish you joyous Christmas and we look forward to welcoming you back in 2021.

Best wishes.

Michael Lobo

School re-opens for all children on Monday 4th January 2021.

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