Well it’s half-term already! We’ve had so much going on as usual over the past few weeks: both Year 5 classes visited the Dominican Sisters at Sway for reflection days, today Y2 were making some fantastic clay models of animals from polar regions and everywhere I went this week, I heard all sorts of instruments being played from violins to drums! Year 5 also had an amazing visit to Osborne House on the Isle of Wight, where they learnt so much about Queen Victoria and last week Fr Ross celebrated our Harvest Mass, at which it was lovely to see so many parents and parishioners.
We wish Mrs Taylor all the best as she goes on maternity leave – I’m sure she will bring the new arrival to visit as soon as she can!
Mr Young will be stepping down from his regular job as a lunchtime supervisor, although he will still be helping us out when he can.
Welcome to Mrs Roopa Fernandes, who joins us on the lunchtime team.
Welcome back to both Mrs Anderson and Mrs Conway, who have been returning frequently to cover classes – the children have been delighted to see them again.
School Council
The school council, under the direction of Mrs Claridge, made an inspiring video to encourage children to put themselves forward for election. You can watch it on our Twitter account (@StPatricksSoton), where it has been liked by the Mayor of Southampton and our local MP amongst others!
Sports News
Both our girls and boys’ football teams have got off to a great start this season, both teams remaining unbeaten so far and on course to retain the league titles they won last year! Keep an eye on the website for more updates and photos from Mr Porter and Ms Alexander.
School Grounds
Our community volunteers have been coming in at the weekend to help us tidy and maintain the school grounds. Last week they spent most of the time clearing the leaves, which is a huge and constant job at this time of the year! They are now painting the fences for us and will soon be finishing off the allotment areas and putting in a gardening shed.
Parent Consultation Meetings
Our first meetings of the year take place in November in the afternoon and evening – instructions on how to book a slot will follow after half-term, but please keep the dates for now:
Year F, Year 1 and Year 2: Wednesday 30th November
Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6: Tuesday 29th November
This Sunday is Mission Sunday, where the church calls us to reflect and implement the command of Jesus: “As the Father sent me, so am I sending you”. In these very difficult times, can we let the light of Christ shine out from us to make a difference in this world?
Have a relaxing half-term holiday and we will see you on 31st October.
Michael Lobo