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School Update - 8th October

Writer's picture: St PatricksSt Patricks

Another busy week gone! Year 3 had a wonderful day at Butser Farm today, where they learned about how people used to live hundreds of years ago. They even made some bricks out of mud! Year 5 have been continuing their art work on William Morris, after seeing some original Victorian art at Osborne House last week. I dropped into Year 1 this morning to find them all learning to play the glockenspiel with Mrs Vaughan!

We were delighted to welcome back Fr Ross after his holiday and he celebrated an inspiring beginning of year Mass led by 4CC. His message to us was to always try follow Jesus’ new commandment: love one another as I have loved you.

Sports News

It’s great to see so many children now being able to take part in sports events and competitions with other schools again and this past week, we have had some real success. Our Y3 and 4 athletics team came 2nd in their competition and the Y5 and 6 boys’ football team beat Portswood School 6-0. Many thanks to Mr Porter and Ms Alexander for all their efforts in coaching and to Sam Collins in the office for all the admin!

School Allotments

We are very grateful to Mr Ward, Tristan and Loic’s dad, who has offered to take charge of setting up some allotments for the children outside the Year 3 classroom. These are at a very early planning stage, but if any other parents would like to help with this, please let us know.


Don’t forget Mrs Hales will be leading rosary every Wednesday in October at 8.30am. Parents and children all warmly invited to join us.

Going Green for CAFOD

St Patrick's School Council would like to announce... We’re Going Green for CAFOD on the 19th October 2021!

World leaders are meeting in Glasgow this November to make important decisions about the future of our planet and its people. With Catholic schools around the country, we are playing our part by joining CAFOD’s Go Green day to support Amazon communities protecting the rainforest, and people around the world dealing with the climate crisis.

You can find out more at home by watching CAFOD’s national assembly online:

On the 19th October 2021, we would love to raise money by dressing in green, having green hair and/or wearing green face paint! The GREENER the better! Please bring £1 donation for this amazing cause!

In this Sunday’s gospel, we hear about a rich man who asks Jesus what he must do; Jesus tells him to give all his wealth to the poor and follow him. While it is probably not possible for many of us to give up everything we own, there is still a clear message not to let material wealth get in the way of true happiness.

Have a lovely weekend.

Michael Lobo

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