We’ve had a great start to 2023 and the new year. The Values Day organised by the school council was extremely successful and the children all completed an activity to do with one of our seven PATRICK attitudes. There were also some inspirational costumes as you can see here:
The highlight of the week was Y6 starting their work on Ancient Greece with a visit from a real Greek – do you recognise him?

To Miss Sophie Hull who is the new class teacher for 3SH in Year 3 and thank you to Mrs Kelly Ford who has kindly taken on the site manager work for the moment while we are recruiting to the post.
Girls’ Football Team
Phenomenal news from our sports department: after winning the Southampton League last term, the girls qualified for the Hampshire finals and played the decider match last Tuesday. They won 2-0 and are now the Hampshire Champions! This means they now qualify to play in the finals of the South West Region – what a great and exciting achievement! Well done to all of them and to Mr Porter, the coach.
Music Mark
We are delighted to have been nominated by the Music Service for the Music Mark in recognition of our commitment as a school to high-quality music making! This is a wonderful achievement and is thanks to the work of our many dedicated staff, musicians and of course our music leader, Mrs Thomas.
Thank you to the SPSA
For all their hard work in organising events in the lead-up to Christmas. As a treat for the school, they paid for a pantomime show for all the children a few weeks ago – you can see from the photo that the children loved it!

Thank You
We have had 2 incredibly generous donations to the school in the past few weeks.
Genio Accountants and their Managing Director, Mr Jeremy Robbins, have very kindly agreed to pay all the costs for the Hampshire Hares project (which came to around £1000) and which enables us to keep our wonderful St Patrick’s leveret for ever.
Two of our grandparents from 1DM have generously donated us £500 towards the cost of repairing the flood damage in the classroom – this has helped us enormously with getting the classroom back to normal.
We are so grateful to both of these donors and want to say a huge thank-you from everyone at St Patrick’s.
Online Safety Update
With the recent change of ownership, it would be good to keep up to date on Twitter and the risks and advice for children using this platform. This fast growing platform has had multiple changes to service agreements and conditions making it difficult to keep up with the advice. This poster helps you stay in the know and up to date. Feel free to share with anyone you think would benefit.
As always, if there is any Online Safety issue you’d like more information on, let me know!
Mrs Claridge
The Church is now in the period of Ordinary Time (this doesn’t mean its ordinary, just not a special season!) and over the next few Sundays, we hear in the Gospels how Jesus began his ministry and started to call together his disciples. That call to be a Christian is still there for all of us today – how will we respond?
Have a lovely weekend.
Michael Lobo