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School Update - May 2023

Writer's picture: St PatricksSt Patricks

Half-term has already arrived and what a busy few weeks it has been. The children have been making the most of the lovely weather these past few days in the playground, with the older children enjoying exploring the minibeasts in the new pond and the younger ones making the most of our inland beach. Year 2 and Year 6 have been busy with their various SATS tests, while Year F had a exciting visit to Longdown Farm a few weeks ago. It was Year 4s turn to have a retreat day in the New Forest with Sr Cooey and her team and it was an inspirational and reflective day for both children and staff. Earlier in the week, I smelt a delicious aroma wafting through the building and on investigating found Miss Tansey and Y5 experimenting and learning how to dish up a delicious bowl of Italian-style pasta! Mrs Friel and the SPSA worked tirelessly to put on a memorable Coronation Day celebration, which the children loved and which we hope they will remember at the next coronation whenever that may be. I think we are all ready now for a week’s break!


To our new site manager, Chris Eccles, who many of you will have already seen at the gate in the morning.

Dates for Next Half-Term

Please find attached a list of the key dates for the next half-term – there is a lot going on!


To Mrs Hales, our Lay-Chaplain and Inclusion Support Manager, who was confirmed during our Tuesday liturgy at school this week. Fr Ross had special permission from the Bishop to administer the Sacrament himself at school and Mrs Hales chose to make this commitment in from of the KS2 children, the staff and some of the parishioners from church, with former St Patrick's teacher, Angela Wood as her sponsor. We pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide and support her.

Sports News

Our wonderful sports teams continue to have great success in competitions. Earlier in the week, both the boys and the girls football teams came through tough semi-final matched to make the final of the City Cup, to be played later in the term. Then our girls cricket team won their tournament to make it the finals of the cricket league at the Aegas Bowl for the second year running. And most excitingly, our girls football team, having beaten everyone in the South area to be the Primary Stars Winners, will be going to Elland Road (Leeds United football stadium) just after half-term to play in the national finals, representing Southampton Football Club.


As mentioned above, the girls will be going to Leeds after half-term and to support this great achievement, we are having a SAINTS Day on Tuesday 6th June, where we would like the children to dress in red and white or a Saints football kit to show their support. We are asking for a voluntary donation of £1 (you can do this on the School Shop on Arbor or bring in cash) to help finance the visit to Leeds.

Mayor-Making Ceremony

Mrs Claridge took some of our school councillors to the annual installation of the new Mayor of Southampton. She writes: “The ceremony lasted for over 2 hours and was a spectacle! We had the town crier and all the councillors there and the guards even had guns!”

Update on our Statue Appeal

With all the money you generously donated, we were able to place an order for a statue of St Patrick and a statue of Our Lady, which has had to be transported all the way from Italy. Unfortunately because of the issues with Brexit, this has taken a long time and we are now having to sort out the customs duty, but we are hoping they will both be with us soon after half-term.

Roadworks – Woolston Active Travel Zone

We have received notification that there will be 3 weeks of roadworks on the Porchester Road/ Fort Road junction starting on Tues 30th May with no waiting/ parking in that area and temporary traffic lights. Please avoid trying to drive this way over this period and consider using the free car park by the bridge instead. There is a letter from the Highways Partnership attached with more information.

This Sunday, Pentecost Sunday, is the birthday of the Church! It marks the day that the Holy Spirit came down on the disciples and made them into apostles - the messengers of the Church. The Holy Spirit is still with us today and will guide us if we allow it.

Have a lovely half-term break.

Michael Lobo

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