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Timings for September

Writer's picture: St PatricksSt Patricks

You will no doubt have seen that schools have been told we can return to normal from next term and we have therefore been looking at how best to do this in regard to timings of the school day.

Thank you to everyone who completed our recent surveys. It was very striking that apart from the question about PE kits, there was a pretty even split! (see the graphics of the results below) We have taken into account all this views, alongside what is practical within the school, and these are the arrangements for the start and end of the day when children return on 6th September.

Please note that with the Covid case numbers rising as they are, they may well be a change in government rules over the summer, so we will confirm everything with you during the last week of the holidays.

School Timings – September 2021

Year 1 – Year 6

Morning drop-off

8.30am - Porchester Road and Church gates open;

Children to wait in the playground; Yr1 - 3 must be accompanied by a parent;

A staff member will be on duty on both gates and in the playground

8.45am - Classroom doors will be opened - all children into school

8.55am - Registration – all children to be in their classes at this time.

There is therefore a 10 min slot from 8.45 - 8.55 for children to come into school – this will hopefully help stagger arrivals.

Gates will be closed at 9.00am - late-comers please come into school via the school office entrance in Fort road so that they can be registered.

Afternoon pick-up:

3.10pm - Porchester Road and Church gates opened.

3.20pm - All children dismissed from classroom doors

3.30pm - Gates will be closed

Occasionally we understand that you may be running late to collect your child - If you are going to be late please let the school office know.

Foundation Stage

8.50: Staff open Fort Road gate

9.00: Registration

3.10- 3.20: Staff open Fort Road gate and children will be brought out to the parents waiting at Fort road.

PE Kits

We have decided to carry on with the children wearing their PE kits to school on PE days. Details of which day your child has PE will be sent to you in September.


The children will recommence eating their lunches in the dining hall.

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