Another week gone and I think we are all slowly settling into what is going to be our routine for at least the next few weeks. All is well at school and staff and children are being very careful about following all the health and safety precautions to limit possible virus spread. The children in Foundation Stage have been making great use of the new canvas canopy that was installed over Christmas which means they can use one of their outside areas in all weathers!
Online Learning
We have quite a lot of live group sessions running now on Teams, which are very successful. Please could we ask that if your child is due to attend a particular session that they arrive on time as the staff running these have got full timetables and have to stop once the set time is finished. On the other side of the coin, Miss Tansey wants to say a huge thank you to the parents of Year 5 children who are always on time for their sessions, with their technology all ready for learning!
It is great to see more and more children accessing the online learning and getting more confident with the technology (I know Teams is not the easiest software to navigate!) and do remember that we can lend out laptops if you need them, as well as free data sims if you’re are running short on broadband width.
Free School Meal Vouchers
The voucher scheme was supposed to have re-started this week, but as usual with a lot of the government systems, it is not working as it should have. Mrs Adams has ordered vouchers for all the families that requested them, but they have not arrived. She will of course send them on to you as soon as you receive them, but if anyone requires any support in the meantime, please call Mrs Mullin (07712 097633)
Parent Governor Appointment
We had one nomination for the vacancy on our Governing Body and so I am pleased to announce that Mr Simon Coley has been appointed as a Parent Governor. We do also have one vacancy for a Foundation Governor – this post is restricted to baptised, practising Catholics, as they will act as the Bishop’s representative on the board. If you are interested, please contact Fr Ross who has to recommend the appointment.
Miss R Taylor
Miss Taylor had a small operation last week (nothing Covid-related!) and is now recovering at home. We wish her all the best for a speedy recovery and I know Year 2 are desperate to see her back on SeeSaw again!
Message from the Council
We’re seeing encouraging signs that the current lockdown restrictions are having an impact, but the infection rate remains high in Southampton and the new variant of the virus remains a huge threat to our communities. Southampton General Hospital and it's Intensive Care Unit are also still under extreme pressure. That’s why it’s vital that we stick with it, stay home and follow government guidance.
I am going to remind you again that the safest place for your children at the moment is at home and you should only send your children to school if you have no other option. Please do consider childcare support bubbles as an alternative. Let’s keep the school as safe as we can for those who are forced to be there.
Fr Ross led a liturgy for us with Year 4 this week, despite the wifi issues we had! Next week he will be in on Wednesday to lead a liturgy on this Sunday’s gospel which tells St Mark’s version of the calling of the disciples. Those first disciples, Simon, Andrew, James and John, left everything to follow Jesus: thankfully it is unlikely that God’s call to us will involve leaving our families and jobs, but it could be a call to change something in our lives.
Stay at Home, Protect the NHS and Save Lives.
Have a lovely and safe weekend.
Michael Lobo