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Update - 25th September

Writer's picture: St PatricksSt Patricks

We've had another lovely week at school, helped by the beautiful weather and the children have been making the most of the outdoor playtimes. A special well done to the new Foundation Stage children - I can't believe how quickly they have got used to "big school"!


Thank you for your continued support during these challenging times as we all try to keep each other safe. In order to do this, we have adapted our procedures to meet the ever-changing circumstances presented by COVID 19. From next week, we are asking all parents and carers to wear a face covering when on the school site - the huge surge in cases both locally and nationally means we must follow the government's recommendations and do everything we can to prevent an outbreak. Staff are now wearing face coverings when outside their bubble areas and when meeting with staff from outside their bubble.

It will be very unfortunate if we end up with more staff self-isolating as we are likely to have to close year groups due to lack of staff, so it is very important that parents do not approach staff at the beginning and end of day unless wearing a face covering and keeping a 2m distance. If you need to have a more confidential conversation, please phone us or email and we will call you back.

Please read below for clarification of drop off and pick up procedures.  

Porchester Road Gate

  • Parents should line up at the side which has been sign-posted for their year group bubble

  • Parents should follow social distancing guidelines - markings have been drawn outside the school gate (on the walls) to enable this-

  • Parents will be brought into the school to collect their child

  • One parent should be positioned on each yellow arrow  

  • Parents should wait at the no entry sign to collect their child

  • They should then follow the one-way system out

Church Gate

  • Parents should line up in the church grounds and ensure that they maintain social distancing

  • Parents will be brought into the school to collect their child

  • One parent should be positioned on each yellow arrow  

  • Parents should wait at the no entry sign to collect their child

  • They should then follow the one-way system out

Fort Road Gate

Parents should line up at the side which has been sign-posted for their year group bubble

As we are now more likely to be getting wet weather and rain, we are going to allow children to bring bags in to carry essential items such as books - please only bring a bag if you really need to and help us minimise the risks.

Mrs Angela Davies RIP

Please remember our friend and colleague, Angela Davies in your prayers. Her funeral took place on Wednesday. The Covid rules meant that, unfortunately, we were not able to attend as we would have wished, but some of us were able to watch the live stream. She was a very highly valued member of staff. As well as a teaching assistant, she was our senior lunchtime supervisor and she knew the name of each and every child in school. She will be sadly missed by us all.

When Fr Ross returns next month, we will be having a memorial service for her - more details to follow.

Mrs Val Barton

Mrs Barton will be leaving us at the month to pursue other interests. She has worked with us for several years as a teaching assistant in different year groups and has always been such an enthusiastic and talented member of staff. The children will miss her focused teaching style and the staff will miss her cheerful manner and willingness to do whatever is needed. We wish her all the best for the future and hope she will come back to tell us how she's doing.

Inset Day

We will be having our third inset day on Monday 2nd November when the staff will be learning about the Talk for Writing programme: school will be closed to children on that day.

Message from the Council

The leader of Southampton City Council, Christopher Hammond, has written an open letter to all residents about the challenging times facing us. You can read it here:


In this Sunday's gospel, Jesus teaches us the importance of obeying God's call, even when we might find it difficult, through the story of a father with two sons. If you can't get to Mass in person, our cathedral in Portsmouth is still live-streaming services here:

Have a lovely weekend.

Michael Lobo

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