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Update - 26th February

Writer's picture: St PatricksSt Patricks

It’s only the first week back and already feels like we never had half-term! As usual, the children in school have been enjoying their learning and they are so excited at the thought of seeing all their friends back again in a week’s time. The children at home came up with some wonderful things on Wellbeing Wednesday and they loved sharing them in the afternoon.

Fr Ross celebrated a very thought-provoking Mass to start our Lenten season today and it was great to see so many people join online. Well done especially to Mr Durack and his Y4/5 group for leading the reading and singing so well – it’s really hard when you’re on camera like that! This Sunday’s gospel tells of the transfiguration where Jesus and some of his disciples had an arduous journey up a mountain which led a wonderful and rewarding experience for them – are there any parallels there for us?

Parent Consultations

Thank you to all who have signed up for their meetings – interestingly there were far more that preferred a telephone call to a Teams meeting – maybe we’re all fed up with this virtual world? You will be sent a link to use for your appointment on Teams.

Back to School from 8th March

Arrangements will be the same as in the Autumn Term, with the same staggered timings and gates, except for Foundation Stage who will be having a slighter longer day now. As before, we are giving each year group a 10 minute slot to try and help you space out.

Year Group Gate Drop Off Pick Up

Foundation Stage Fort Road 8.50 – 9.00 2.50 – 3.00

Year 1 Porchester Road 8.30 – 8.40 3.00 – 3.10

Year 2 Church gate 8.30 – 8.40 3.00 – 3.10

Year 3 Porchester Road 8.40 – 8.50 3.10 – 3.20

Year 4 Church gate 8.40 – 8.50 3.10 – 3.20

Year 5 Fort Road 8.40 – 8.50 3.10 – 3.20

Year 6 Fort Road 8.30 – 8.40 3.00 – 3.10

The same rules apply regarding not entering the site, keeping a distance etc and we’ll send you a reminder of those next week. Energy Kidz will be re-starting Breakfast Club and After-School provision and you can book places there as usual on the website:

There is also some useful guidance for parents from the government about the return to school here:

Welcome Back

We welcome back Mrs Serina Taylor from her maternity leave! She will be returning to her post teaching 1WA on a Thursday and Friday, taking over from Mrs Anderson.

Lent Resources

We’ll be adding some links and resources to our website to help you mark the season of Lent, much of which will still have to be online/ virtual for the moment. Here are a few things to get you started:

· Lenten activities to do at home, provided by the Diocese:

· Lenten talks by Fr Antony Gatt from Immaculate Conception, Portswood, every Tuesday at 7.30:

· Stay Awake virtual praise day, with special sessions for children, tomorrow 27th Feb. You need to register, but it’s all free – details here:

Message from the Council

The number of cases of COVID-19 in Southampton has remained relatively static this week, and the rate of infection remains high, though the overall trend for the past few weeks has been a decrease. Admissions to our University Hospital Southampton ICU remain higher than average.

On Monday, the government set out a roadmap to reopen things gradually. But it’s important to remember that for now we need to keep following guidance while vaccines are rolled out at speed.

Stick with it Southampton. Stay Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives.

Have a lovely weekend,

Michael Lobo

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