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Update - 26th March

Writer's picture: St PatricksSt Patricks

It’s been another non-stop week and the school has felt vibrant and full of life! Yesterday we started our tableaux about the events of Holy Week with Year 1 re-enacting Palm Sunday: Fr Ross came to get us started, but we couldn’t persuade him to ride the donkey. Year 5 have been busy learning about levers for an exciting design and make project they are starting and Year 4 have been making biscuits and writing instructions on how to do it!

Staffing Changes

We have a few staff changes at the end of this term:

We say goodbye to Mrs Laura Spooner, teaching assistant, who has worked with us for the past 4 years. She has had several roles, supporting children in Foundation and Year 1, and providing speech and language therapy across the school. The children will miss her patient and focused teaching style and we will all miss her cheerful manner and lovely smile. We wish her all the best for the future.

Mr Stuart Simpson is moving from teaching class music back to teaching instrumental lessons, so we will still be seeing him in school, but in a different role. The children have loved his music and his computing lessons and all year groups have benefited from this inspiring and exciting teaching. Mr Simpson also led singing assemblies, played for our Masses and school productions and wrote our new school song and we are delighted that he will still be working with us, albeit in a different role.

Mrs Emma Holtham is leaving her post as lunchtime supervisor to take up a full-time role outside of schools. She has been with us for nearly 4 years and has been a constant and friendly face for the children in the playground. We are really pleased that she will staying on as a casual supervisor to help out as and when she can.

We are currently advertising for two teaching assistants – details on the website:

Sports Clubs

We will be resuming our after-school sports clubs after Easter, which will be run in year group bubbles by Mr Morse, Mr Durack and Mr Taylor. There will be one club a week for each year group which will be an “Active Club” – in other words an opportunity to try and learn a variety of different sports. Clubs will run from 3.30 to 4.30, except for Foundation Stage which will be 3pm to 4pm and full details and days will be sent out on Monday, together with a form to sign up. As we are very keen to get the children back to doing sports and activities, all clubs will be free of charge for next term.

Easter Holiday Club

We have had over 90 applications for places! At the moment, we are going through the logistics and will try our best to offer everyone a place for at least some days. The purpose of the government funding for this club was to allow all children a chance to be active and healthy over the holidays, not to provide childcare for working parents, but we do of course realise that it will help many of you with this as well. We will confirm places early next week.

Maundy Thursday Mass

4CC will be leading our Mass next Thursday 1st April at 10am, when Fr Ross will celebrate the Mass of the Lord’s Supper for us. You can join us using this link:

End of Term

The last day of this term is Thursday 1st April and just as we did at Christmas, all the year groups will finish school an hour earlier at the usual gates.

Be Internet Legends

Mrs Claridge wants to remind you to take part in the Be Internet Legends family adventure to learn about using the internet safely:

Message from the Council

The number of COVID-19 cases has reduced slightly in Southampton. Hospital admissions have also gone down.

Many of us are optimistic and excited about the staged reopening of society but we need to continue following official advice on Hands-Face-Space rules and please remember to do your socialising outdoors. Following the start of Stage Two, from Monday 12 April - when all shops will be allowed to open, along with close-contact services, including hairdressers and beauty salons (including in people's homes) - the government will review COVID-19 case data every five weeks to ensure national targets are met.

This Sunday is Palm Sunday and sadly many people will not be able to take part in the annual procession at church, but will have to participate online. Jesus made the choice to enter Jerusalem on a humble donkey, rather than a horse or chariot, and is a wonderful reminder to us of how we can follow his example of humility and service.

Have a lovely weekend.

Michael Lobo

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