The weeks are flying past and we're nearly at the end of term! Everything continues to work very smoothly in school and the children are enjoying being in their small classes and doing some slightly different activities to normal. They love having the playground to themselves!
Staff have been preparing an introductory video for their new classes and these will be available on SeeSaw on Friday - if you need help logging in, let us know.
End of year reports will be sent out on Parentmail on Friday. They are shorter than usual due to the lockdown, but hopefully you will find them useful. Should you wish to discuss the report with your child's teacher, please contact us.
I know many of you will be wondering about arrangements for September and so an update for you. The government guidance came out at the end of last week and the governors are meeting this week to review and agree the plan and the risk assessment. Once this is agreed, we will send all the details out to you early next week. The school will be open for all children in September, but there will obviously be some differences in order to be compliant and keep the site as a "Covid-19 secure space"
We have a few more stories coming on our YouTube channel, including a final Frog story from Mrs Thomas and another fun one from Mrs Paul. After this term, we will have to check on publishers' rights, but it is quite likely that we will have to remove all the stories, so make the most of them now while you can!
News from Fr Ross
Fr Ross has waved at us a few times over the fence and is looking forward to opening the church for weekday Masses starting on 20th July. At the moment, you can enter for individual private prayer and the Sunday Mass obligation continues to be suspended.
FAB Course
Southampton Family Trust are running a Feelings Affect Behaviour online course starting on 16th July at 7.30pm. Each week there will be a 30 min video about different aspects of parenting for you to watch at any time of the day and in the evening a Zoom session with the facilitators. Full details on their website:
Finally huge congratulations to Alba and her mother (our own Mrs Robbins) on their wonderful performance on BBC South last night - Alba put her important message to the prime minister across so clearly and passionately and we really do hope she gets a response. We'll let you know.
"No one is perfect – that’s why pencils have erasers."
Wolfgang Riebe
Best wishes,
Michael Lobo - Headteacher
Suzanne Friel - Deputy Headteacher