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Welcome Back Update

Writer's picture: St PatricksSt Patricks

Welcome back to everyone and I hope you all had a restful and joyful Easter break. The weather certainly held out for most of the holiday and it was such a relief to see some things starting to return to normal. Having said that, please do remember to keep up all the good work around social distancing at the beginning and end of the school day.

The children have all settled back in to their routines and Year 6 have been making all sorts of things in preparation for their Greek Day next week. Mrs Bignell has also been extremely busy painting and livening up the KS1 corridor with the help of the children and it is now like walking through a museum!

Holiday Club

The club was a great success all round and the children had a wonderful time! Thank you especially to all the staff who gave up their time to run the club: Miss Archer, Mrs Claridge, Mrs Smith, Mrs Hales, Mrs Draper and of course Mr Balaam who organised and managed the whole thing. With the amount of interest we had, we are definitely looking at running this again at May half-term and will be able to include Foundation Stage this time – details to follow.


Following successful interviews, we welcome Mrs Nadia Gracias as a new lunchtime supervisor and Mr Stuart Homer as our new site manager. I am sure they will soon feel part of our St Patrick’s family.

Relationships and Sex Education

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the consultation – the governors considered all the responses at their meeting. We will be starting to implement the updated scheme of work “A Journey in Love” from this term and there will be virtual sessions for parents to see the resources we use and ask any questions. Please be assured that the majority of teaching focuses on relationships and the sex education content is for Years 5 and 6 as laid down in the National Curriculum. There are further details on our website:

Message from the Council

Southampton is starting to spring back as restrictions eased on Monday 12 April as part of the second stage of the government’s roadmap out of lockdown. People can now shop safely in non-essential retail outlets, visit their local library, kickstart individual indoor leisure and sport activities, or visit a local hairdresser or nail bar. Continue to follow the rules. So much has been sacrificed and so many lives lost that we must not blow our chance. That means we must keep doing what we’ve been doing: following the rules;

Hands Face Space, keeping our distance and wearing a mask.

This Sunday, the 4th Sunday of Easter, is known as Good Shepherd Sunday: we hear how Jesus describes himself as the Good Shepherd, here to care for the sheep of this flock – us. Just as Jesus is caring, loving, provident, gentle and concerned for his people, so should we act towards all the people in our care.

Have a lovely weekend

Michael Lobo

Reminder: May Bank Holiday is on Monday 3rd May and school will be closed!

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