We’ve all enjoyed the last week of term. On top of all the usual end-of-term activities, every child and adult in the school has been involved in painting our leveret for the Hares of Hampshire project, closely supervised by our very own artist-in-residence, Miss Tansey. We are so looking forward to seeing our leveret (named either Patrick or Ready-to-Learn) out in public when the trail opens in June. Keep an eye on Twitter for sneak previews.
Mrs Hales, our lay-chaplain, has managed to organise our celebration of the Holy Week liturgies in school this week, starting with Year F leading the story of Palm Sunday on Monday, Fr Ross celebrating the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Wednesday and today a children’s Stations of the Cross for the children to understand the events of Jesus’ passion. The children all participated in a reverent and prayerful manner and I am sure this will have helped them on their faith journey.
Thank You to the SPSA
For their wonderful work these past few weeks in organising Mothers’ Day gifts, an Easter colouring competition, hot cross buns for all the children and on Tuesday a fantastic Easter disco, which the children really enjoyed. It is always a lot of work to organise these sorts of events and we are so grateful to the parents who give up their time freely to do this for the enjoyment of all the children. Please encourage and support them!
Year 6 WWII Tea Party
Our Year 6 children helped Communicare, a local charity, to put on a WWII-themed tea part for local residents in the church hall last week. They helped set up the hall, welcomed guests, served refreshments and entertained with some superb singing at dancing. We had some lovely feedback from the organiser: “Please pass on our heartfelt thanks to the staff and children for their stellar performances, both in the face-to-face interaction with the guests and their singing and dancing. They did you proud as they were all so well behaved.” You can see highlights of their performances on the school website.

Sports Success
Our children have been having quite a bit of success in sports recently! Last week, the girls football team won the Under 11 East League and not to be outdone, the following day, the boys won their league. Total scoresheet read 11 matches played, 10 wins and 1 draw.
At the Cross-Country events this term, we had 51 children representing the school, with our A team winning the March Hare Mixed Relay and finished 3rd in the junior event.
Well done to all the children who have taken part in sports events over this term and a big thank you to Mr Porter, Ms Alexander and Miss Tonks for all their hard work and leadership.

Free English Classes for Parents
City College are organising free English classes for parents who don’t have English as a first language. They will be on Tuesdays from 1 – 2.30pm online or on Fridays 1 – 2.30pm in Woolston Library. More information from Jo Dixon on 07825 854359 or family.learning@southampton-city.ac.uk
Don’t forget to keep an eye on our Twitter feed @StPatricksSoton for all the latest news and photos.
Holy Week and Easter Services
Are all listed on the church website: www.eastsidechurch.co.uk Do try to attend what you can, especially the celebration of the Easter Vigil on Saturday night 16th April.
Have a restful and relaxing Easter break and see you in the summer term (children return on Tuesday 26th April).
Michael Lobo